Many thanks are due to those members and visitors that showed up to help make the 2009 Lindy's Meet a success. A special thanks goes to the guys who came the farthest, driving through the rain and crud, and pulling complete rigs on top of it! These are the guys that help confirm the fact that the primary purpose of this meet is that it is a wet meet. Every club of all types of hobbies has its own "core" group, and we certainly have ours; the ones that keep us alive through thick and thin. Though we need to constantly find ways to improve attendance, I think it speaks well for our chapter that we are able to draw participants that live a considerable distance away--especially under the adverse weather conditioins that we have experienced at some meets for the past two years. Apparently, we are doing something right. Finally, thanks to all those who patronized Lindy's in appreciation for the hospitality extended by Lindy's to the Motorheads. Onward!